Levantamento de aracnofauna do Jardim Botânico de Diadêma em São Paulo

Latest version published on 26 June 2023
Publication date:
26 June 2023
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CC-BY-NC 4.0

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Levantamento de aracnofauna do Jardim Botânico de Diadêma em São Paulo

Data Records

The data in this occurrence resource has been published as a Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A), which is a standardized format for sharing biodiversity data as a set of one or more data tables. The core data table contains 119 records.

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How to cite

Researchers should cite this work as follows:

Ribeiro S (2023): Levantamento de aracnofauna do Jardim Botânico de Diadêma em São Paulo. v1.0. No organisation. Dataset/Occurrence. https://ipt.sibbr.gov.br/sibbr/resource?r=unifesp_arachnida_diadema_01&v=1.0


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC 4.0) License.

GBIF Registration

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Aracnofauna; Diadema; São Paulo; Mata Atlantica; Specimen


Stefan Ribeiro
  • Metadata Provider
  • Originator
  • User
  • Point Of Contact

Geographic Coverage

Jardim Botanico de Diadema

Bounding Coordinates South West [-23.734, -46.624], North East [-23.68, -46.577]

Temporal Coverage

Start Date / End Date 2019-04-25 / 2020-01-30

Sampling Methods

The material was collected using nocturnal active search (or free search) and pitfall traps. The nocturnal active search was carried out shortly after dusk, and consisted of an active search for litter, in decomposing trunks, inside cavities, under stones and in understory vegetation up to a height of two meters in a 30 X 10 transect. meters, totaling 300 m2 of sampled area. Six replicates were performed at different collection sites, lasting two hours each replica, totaling a sampling effort of 12 hours of collection. Each site was visited in one night between April 2018 and March 2019. Pitfall traps were used to collect spiders that forage on the ground. From 500ml plastic pots buried in a row at regular intervals, at ground level with a plastic cover to prevent the entry of rainwater, containing preservative liquid (90% alcohol 70% and 10% formaldehyde 4%) and a drop of detergent to break the surface tension. 20 pots were used with a space of 2 meters between them arranged in 4 rows, totaling an area of 48 m². The traps were kept for seven consecutive days and then collected. Thus, in total, 4 samples were taken in different places, totaling a sampling effort of 192 m² and 28 days of collection.

Study Extent The Atlantic Forest fragment studied is located in the botanical garden of Diadema city , São Paulo (23°43'10.8"S 46°36'38.8"W) (Fig. 1), whose average annual temperature ranges from 13ºC in winter to 28ºC in summer, with average annual rainfall of 1,496 mm (climate-data.org). The Borboletário was inaugurated in October 2000, in Jardim Inamar and has an area of 26,312 m² of preserved area with vegetation typical of the Atlantic rainforest and 3,000 m of trails (PETENA et al. 2015) and is at an altitude of 800 m

Method step description:

  1. All material collected was taken to the Zoology Laboratory of UNIFESP, at the José de Filippi unit in Diadema (SP) to be sorted. Subsequently, they were taken to the Laboratory of Special Collections, at the Butantã Institute, where the spiders were identified at the family level and subsequently identified/morphotyped, with the aid of a dichotomous key by Brescovit et. al. (2002) and a Zeiss Stemi Dv4 stereo microscope. The morphotyped individuals were deposited in the Butantã Institute collection (IBSP, curator, A. D. Brescovit) while the sub-adult individuals that could not be morphotyped were deposited in the didactic collection of the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP) Campus Diadema